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[Plot Summary]"Between the Temples" is a heartfelt comedy-drama that follows Ben Gottlieb, a cantor grappling with a crisis of faith after the passing of his wife, Ruth. Unable to sing and struggling to meet the expectations of his congregation and family, Ben's life takes an unexpected turn when his former grade school music teacher, Carla Kessler, re-enters his life seeking to complete her long-postponed Bat Mitzvah. As they reconnect, both Ben and Carla embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewed faith, forming a unique bond that helps them navigate their personal struggles.
[Market Reception]Upon its release, "Between the Temples" received critical acclaim for its poignant storytelling and exceptional performances. Jason Schwartzman's portrayal of Ben was lauded for its depth and authenticity, while Carol Kane's performance as Carla earned her the Best Supporting Actress award from the New York Film Critics Circle. The film's exploration of faith, loss, and human connection resonated with audiences, establishing it as a standout piece in contemporary cinema.
Product Description
Director: Nathan Silver
Main Cast:
- Jason Schwartzman as Ben Gottlieb
- Carol Kane as Carla Kessler
- Dolly De Leon as Judith Gottlieb
- Caroline Aaron as Meira Gottlieb
- Robert Smigel as Rabbi Bruce
Release Year: 2024
Production Companies: Ley Line Entertainment, Fusion Entertainment
Country of Origin: United States
Runtime: 111 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Format: Blu-ray
Number of Discs: 1