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[Plot Summary]"Demise" is a compelling thriller that delves into the complexities of love, betrayal, and obsession. The story follows Caleb Castillo, a Latino landscaper leading a double life. While devoted to his wife, Celine, who desperately desires a child, Caleb becomes entangled in a passionate affair with rising fashion star Fiona Hernandez. As Fiona's patience wanes with Caleb's unfulfilled promises to leave his wife, Celine uncovers the infidelity. The ensuing turmoil leads to a breakup, but Celine becomes obsessed with reclaiming what she believes is rightfully hers, including Caleb's newborn son, Brody. The film masterfully explores the destructive nature of obsession and the lengths individuals will go to for love and revenge.
[Market Reception]Upon its release, "Demise" received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Some praised the film for its intense portrayal of complex relationships and the psychological depth of its characters. However, others criticized it for perpetuating outdated tropes and delivering a narrative that felt reminiscent of earlier melodramas. Despite the divided opinions, the film sparked discussions about its themes and character dynamics, making it a notable entry in the thriller genre.
Product Description
Director: Yara Estrada Lowe
Main Cast:
- Carlo Mendez as Caleb Castillo
- Liz Fenning as Celine Castillo
- Crystal Hernandez as Fiona Hernandez
- Richard Rivera as Supporting Role
- Morris Jude Martinez as Supporting Role
Release Year: 2024
Production Company: Gravitas Ventures
Country of Origin: United States
Runtime: 116 minutes
Genre: Thriller
Format: Blu-ray
Number of Discs: 1