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Item Specifics
[Plot Summary] In My Father’s Den is a gripping drama directed by Brad McGann, based on the novel by Maurice Gee. The film follows the story of Paul, played by Matthew Macfadyen, a troubled journalist who returns to his small hometown for his father’s funeral. Upon his return, Paul reconnects with the people from his past, including a mysterious young woman named Celia. As he uncovers dark secrets about his father’s life and the relationships around him, Paul’s emotional and psychological state begins to unravel. The film delves into themes of love, betrayal, and the haunting consequences of the past.
[Market Reception] In My Father’s Den was praised for its intense performances, particularly from Macfadyen, and its atmospheric direction. Critics appreciated the film’s slow-burning narrative and its exploration of complex emotional themes. However, some found the film’s pacing to be deliberately somber, and the tone too bleak for a broader audience. Despite this, the film is considered a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of family, identity, and the weight of the past.
Product Description
Director: Brad McGann
Cast: Matthew Macfadyen, Miranda Otto, Colin Moy, Jennifer Ludlam
Year: 2004
Distributor: The FilmWorks
Country: New Zealand
Language: English
Runtime: 111 minutes
Genre: Drama, Mystery
Format: Blu-ray
Note:This product is an ultra-clear Blu-ray disc, which needs to be played by Blu-ray Disc player or Blu-ray drive.
100% Brand new and top quality
In My Father's Den (2004)
Audio: English
Number of Discs:1
Package: 1 Set
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