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[Plot Summary]"Killer Heat" is a captivating crime mystery drama set on the sun-drenched island of Crete. The story follows private detective Nick Bali, portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who is hired to investigate the suspicious death of Leo Vardakis, a young shipping magnate. As Nick delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a complex web of jealousy and deceit involving Leo's identical twin brother, Elias, both roles played by Richard Madden, and Penelope Vardakis, Elias's wife, portrayed by Shailene Woodley. The film masterfully explores themes of familial bonds and the destructive power of jealousy.
[Market Reception]Upon its release, "Killer Heat" garnered attention for its compelling narrative and strong performances. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's portrayal of the troubled detective Nick Bali was praised for its depth and nuance. Richard Madden's dual performance as both Leo and Elias Vardakis showcased his versatility, bringing complexity to the twin brothers' relationship. Shailene Woodley's role as Penelope added emotional weight to the story, with critics noting the palpable chemistry among the lead actors. The film's atmospheric setting and intricate plot twists kept audiences engaged, solidifying its status as a noteworthy addition to the crime mystery genre.
Product Description
Director: Philippe Lacôte
Main Cast:
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Nick Bali
- Shailene Woodley as Penelope Vardakis
- Richard Madden as Leo and Elias Vardakis
- Clare Holman as Audrey Vardakis
- Babou Ceesay as George Mensah
Release Year: 2024
Production Companies: Amazon MGM Studios, Makeready, Faliro House
Country of Origin: United States
Runtime: 97 minutes
Genre: Crime, Mystery, Drama
Format: Blu-ray
Number of Discs: 1