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Item Specifics
Plot Introduction: The Transformers: The Movie (1986) is an animated science fiction film based on the popular Transformers franchise. Set between seasons two and three of the original TV series, the film follows the Autobots as they battle the Decepticons for control of Cybertron. The story takes a dark turn when Optimus Prime is fatally wounded in battle, and a young Autobot named Hot Rod must rise to the occasion to defeat the Decepticons and become the new leader. The movie features iconic action sequences, spectacular animation, and a memorable soundtrack.
Product Description
Director: Nelson Shin
Main Cast: Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), Frank Welker (Megatron), Judd Nelson (Hot Rod), Leonard Nimoy (Galvatron)
Release Year: 1986
Format: Blu-ray, DVD
Runtime: 84 minutes
Genre: Animation, Action, Sci-Fi
Note:This product is an ultra-clear Blu-ray disc, which needs to be played by Blu-ray Disc player or Blu-ray drive.
100% Brand new and top quality
The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
Audio: Chinese,English,French,Japanese,Spanish
Sub: Chinese,English,French,Japanese,Spanish
Number of Discs:2
Package: 1 Set
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