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[Plot Summary]"Time Cut" is a captivating science fiction slasher film that follows high school student Lucy Field, who accidentally discovers a time machine and travels back to 2003—just days before her sister Summer is murdered by a masked killer known as the Sweetly Slasher. Determined to prevent the tragedy, Lucy teams up with a young physics genius, Quinn, to alter the course of events. The film masterfully blends suspense, time travel, and horror elements, exploring themes of family bonds and the consequences of tampering with time.
[Market Reception]Upon its release, "Time Cut" garnered attention for its unique premise and nostalgic depiction of the early 2000s. Critics praised the film's innovative fusion of time-travel mechanics with slasher tropes, offering a fresh take on both genres. Madison Bailey's portrayal of Lucy was highlighted for bringing depth to the character's emotional journey. While some reviews noted a predictable plot, audiences appreciated the film's engaging narrative and suspenseful sequences, making it a notable addition to contemporary horror cinema.
Product Description
Director: Hannah Macpherson
Main Cast:
- Madison Bailey as Lucy Field
- Antonia Gentry as Summer Field
- Griffin Gluck as Quinn
- Michael Shanks as Gil Field
- Rachael Crawford as Kendra Field
Release Year: 2024
Production Company: ACE Entertainment
Country of Origin: United States
Runtime: 92 minutes
Genre: Science Fiction, Slasher
Format: Blu-ray
Number of Discs: 1