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【Plot Synopsis】
Vermiglio (2024), directed by Maura Delpero, is a poignant historical drama set in the remote Italian Alps during the final years of World War II. The film explores the life of a small mountain village largely untouched by the war until the arrival of Pietro (Giuseppe De Domenico), a deserter seeking refuge. His presence disrupts the fragile peace of the community and stirs unexpected emotions in Lucia (Martina Scrinzi), the eldest daughter of the local schoolteacher. Vermiglio delves into themes of love, conflict, and survival in a time of turmoil.
【Market Review】
The film has been praised for its breathtaking cinematography and emotional depth. Critics highlight the authenticity of its portrayal of rural life and the nuanced performances of Giuseppe De Domenico and Martina Scrinzi. With its slow-burning narrative and evocative storytelling, Vermiglio offers a reflective and moving cinematic experience.
Product Description
Director: Maura Delpero
Main Cast: Giuseppe De Domenico (Pietro), Martina Scrinzi (Lucia), Isabella Ragonese (Teresa)
Release Year: 2024
Runtime: Approx. 118 minutes
Languages: Italian
Genres: Historical Drama, Romance