Item Specifics
[Plot Overview] Constantine: City of Demons: The Movie (2018) is an animated supernatural thriller based on the popular DC Comics character John Constantine. The movie follows Constantine as he navigates the dangerous world of magic and the occult, investigating the mysterious death of a young woman. Along the way, he confronts demons, both literal and metaphorical, as he seeks to uncover the dark secrets of the city of Los Angeles. The film features intense action, dark humor, and a deep dive into Constantine’s troubled past, exploring his complex character and moral struggles.
[Market Review] Constantine: City of Demons (2018) has been praised for its mature tone, dark atmosphere, and the faithful adaptation of the character from the comic books. Critics have appreciated the film's animation style, which effectively captures the gritty, noir feel of the Constantine universe. Fans of the character and supernatural thrillers have found the movie to be a worthy addition to the Constantine canon, with its blend of horror, action, and moral dilemmas.
Product Description
Director: Doug Murphy
Main Cast: Matt Ryan (John Constantine), Rachel Kimsey (Chas Chandler), Damian O'Hare (Ritchie Simpson)
Year of Release: 2018
Run Time: 90 minutes
Genre: Animated, Supernatural, Horror
Number of Discs: 1
Note:This product is an ultra-clear Blu-ray disc, which needs to be played by Blu-ray Disc player or Blu-ray drive.
100% Brand new and top quality With Box
Film Collection (1 Disc Boxset)
Audio: English
Number of Discs: 1
Package: 1 Set
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