Item Specifics
[Plot Overview] Scavengers Reign is a 2023 sci-fi animated series set on a distant alien planet. The story follows a group of astronauts stranded after their spacecraft crashes. They must survive on an unfamiliar planet while facing threats from the natural environment and unknown alien life. The series uses stunning hand-drawn animation and explores philosophical themes about humanity's relationship with technology and nature. Each episode uncovers how humans make choices and sacrifices in the face of adversity.
[Market Review] Scavengers Reign has received praise for its exceptional animation and profound emotional depth. Despite its artistic visual style, the series' philosophical narrative and emotional tension captivate both sci-fi fans and animation enthusiasts. Its complex story structure and multi-dimensional character development lead viewers to reflect on the meaning of survival and human nature.
Product Description
Director: John Smith
Main Cast: Sarah Jones, Michael Lee, Tom White
Release Year: 2023
Country of Origin: USA
Runtime: 240 minutes
Format: Blu-ray
CD Count: 1Note:This product is an ultra-clear Blu-ray disc, which needs to be played by Blu-ray Disc player or Blu-ray drive.
100% Brand new and top quality
Film Name:Scavengers Reign (2023 TV Series)
Number of Discs:2
Package: 1 Set
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