Item Specifics
[Plot Summary] Secret Level is an animated anthology series created by the team behind Love, Death & Robots. Drawing inspiration from video games across the globe, this series takes you through a thrilling adventure across past, present, and future timelines. It’s a tribute to the spirit of gaming, exploration, and discovery. From dragon gods and robot uprisings to daring space heists, each episode is a mind-bending journey filled with surprises. Featuring an all-star cast, Secret Level is a must-watch for fans of action, fantasy, and sci-fi animation.
[Market Reception] Secret Level has received rave reviews for its innovative animation style and action-packed storytelling. The show’s tribute to video games and gamers, combined with its visually stunning sequences and deep themes of discovery, has garnered attention from audiences and critics alike.
Product Description
Directors: Dave Wilson, Dominic Boydin, Leon Berel, Remi Corderilla, Maxime Louel, and others
Writers: Brooke Boland, KD Davila, Philippe Garat, Jeff Yuhas, Richie Larson, and others
Cast: Keanu Reeves, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Hart, Ariana Greenblatt, Temuera Morrison, and others
Release Date: December 10, 2024 (USA)
Country: United States
Language: English
Episodes: 15
Runtime: 16 minutes per episode
Genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Animation, Fantasy, Adventure
Alternate Titles: Hidden Level, Secret Level (Hong Kong/Taiwan)