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【Plot Synopsis】
Fortunes of War (2024), directed by Bill Thomas, is an intense World War II action thriller. The story follows a group of British commandos who, after a daring raid in Normandy, find themselves trapped behind enemy lines. Isolated and hunted by German Wehrmacht forces, the soldiers take refuge in a barn, where they uncover a hidden secret that could turn the tides of their desperate escape. This gripping tale of survival showcases courage, camaraderie, and unexpected twists in the face of overwhelming odds.
【Market Review】
The film delivers tense battle sequences and a compelling narrative, emphasizing the resilience and bravery of soldiers in wartime. Though receiving mixed reviews, audiences appreciated its portrayal of camaraderie and survival under pressure. Fortunes of War appeals to fans of historical war dramas and action-packed stories.
Product Description
Director: Bill Thomas
Main Cast: James Oliver Wheatley, Sophie Craig, Asan N'Jie, Stanley J. Browne
Release Year: 2024
Runtime: Approx. 85 minutes
Languages: English
Genres: War, Action, Thriller
Availability: Blu-ray, Streaming on Tubi
Note:This product is an ultra-clear Blu-ray disc, which needs to be played by Blu-ray Disc player or Blu-ray drive.