Item Specifics
Endurance (2024) is a gripping documentary that weaves together the extraordinary story of Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1915 Antarctic expedition and the modern-day discovery of his legendary ship, the Endurance. Directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, and Natalie Hewit, the film chronicles Shackleton's harrowing journey across the icy wilderness after his ship was trapped and sunk beneath the Antarctic ice. Parallelly, it follows the groundbreaking 2022 expedition that located the shipwreck, offering stunning visuals and emotional insights into human determination, survival, and the enduring legacy of exploration.
【Market Review】
The documentary has been widely praised for its breathtaking cinematography and compelling storytelling. Critics have highlighted its ability to balance historical context with modern adventure, creating a powerful narrative that celebrates resilience and discovery. A must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of exploration tales.
Product Description
Directors: Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, Natalie Hewit
Key Contributors: Ernest Shackleton (archival footage), Endurance22 Expedition Team
Release Year: 2024
Runtime: Approx. 118 minutes
Languages: English
Genres: Documentary, History, Adventure
Note:This product is an ultra-clear Blu-ray disc, which needs to be played by Blu-ray Disc player or Blu-ray drive.