Item specifics
【Plot Overview】 Rise of the Planet of the Apes takes place in a world where genetically modified apes begin to challenge the supremacy of humans. The series, which spans three seasons, follows the rise of Caesar, a genetically enhanced ape who leads his kind to rebellion against human domination. Set against a backdrop of technological advances and societal decay, the series explores themes of intelligence, power, and survival. The Blu-ray collection includes all three seasons, showcasing stunning visual effects and emotional storytelling that have captivated audiences worldwide.
【Market Reception】 The Rise of the Planet of the Apes series was widely praised for its innovative storytelling, groundbreaking visual effects, and thought-provoking exploration of humanity's future. The performances, especially that of Andy Serkis as Caesar, were lauded for their depth and complexity. The series has become a modern sci-fi classic, blending action, drama, and social commentary. This Blu-ray collection offers fans the complete experience, including hours of bonus features, behind-the-scenes content, and a chance to relive the epic journey of Caesar and the apes.
Product Description
Director: Rupert Wyatt (Season 1), Matt Reeves (Season 2-3)
Main Cast: Andy Serkis, James Franco, Freida Pinto, Tom Felton, Gary Oldman, Jason Clarke
Release Year: 2011-2014
Production Companies: 20th Century Fox
Region: International
Runtime: Varies by season (Season 1: 13 episodes, Season 2: 12 episodes, Season 3: 12 episodes)
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama, Action
Format: Blu-ray
Number of Discs: 3
Note:This product is an ultra-clear Blu-ray disc, which needs to be played by Blu-ray Disc player or Blu-ray drive.
100% Brand new and top quality
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
Number of Discs:3
Package: 1 Set
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